Post Office: Morson Digital Studio enhances brand with exclusive webinar

Post Office: Morson Digital Studio enhances brand with exclusive webinar

Post Office: Morson Digital Studio enhances brand with exclusive webinar

Morson Digital Studio helped enhance the Post Office’s employer brand with a speaking slot on an exclusive webinar from Bottomline and The CFO .

Morson Digital Studio helps business harness the power of digital to increase brand visibility and attract the best, most relevant talent for their organisation. In October, they secured a speaking opportunity for Post Office CFO Kathryn Sherratt on a webinar hosted by Bottomline and The CFO.

The webinar, ‘Navigating Cash Flow Visibility’, presented an effective way for the Post Office to articulate its employer brand, expertise and thought leadership capabilities and to reach the right people through a medium they were most likely to be engaging with.

Kathryn joined John Rodgers, Commercial Director at Bottomline, and Marie Andela, Finance Director at Hines, to address the hurdles financial leaders face when it comes to gaining comprehensive visibility into their organisation’s cash flow.

The trio covered the complexities arising from managing multiple banking portals, navigating disparate financial systems, and maintaining decentralised finance management across entities, and discussed both the power of data in driving financial decisions and the benefits of embracing a more agile finance system.

The compelling nature of the conversation led to high attendance, with an impressive retention rate of listeners throughout the webinar, with feedback suggesting attendees found the knowledge and insights shared by the speakers to be engaging and informative.

For the Post Office, the event also represented an opportunity to strengthen its employer brand, enhancing its reputation as a forward-thinking employer and showcasing its commitment to innovation and leadership. These outcomes were particularly important amidst recent challenges, which have led the business to focus on rebuilding confidence amongst stakeholders and the wider public and attracting top talent to usher in a period of transformation and growth.

Following the event, Kathryn commented:

​“I was delighted to participate in this webinar, which was impeccably well organised and managed. Opportunities like these are important for reaching people with specific skillsets who we know engage with this type of thought leadership content. It’s another example of how Morson helps ensures we have a voice in the right conversations, in the right places and at the right times.”

Securing airtime on webinars, podcasts and other channels is just one of the ways Morson Digital Studio provides its clients with marketing and communications support. For information on how to make your talent brand shine, get in touch with the team today by clicking here
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  • MSP
  • Pay rate benchmarking
  • PR and brand awareness
  • Technology


    Tata Chemicals Europe: More than just a recruitment solution

    Tata Chemicals Europe: More than just a recruitment solution

    Tata Chemicals Europe: More than just a recruitment solution

    At Morson Group we’re proud to offer a suite of talent, consultancy and technology services that go far beyond pure-play recruitment. One of our longest-standing MSP customers, pioneers of Vencuro and users of our employer branding and screening services, Tata Chemicals Europe (TCE) have enhanced their people strategy and talent processes by curating our services to meet their specific needs.

    manchester united rpo

    The background

    Tata Chemicals Europe is one of Europe’s leading producers of sodium carbonate, salt and sodium bicarbonate. They are a world-renowned brand who maintain family-friendly values to create a secure and comfortable working atmosphere. As such their values closely align with our own allowing us to build a solid relationship based on mutual respect and understanding.

    We have had a rolling MSP contract with Tata Chemicals Europe for over 10 years. Prior to that we were one of a number of suppliers, moving to the preferred supplier responsible for servicing three sites including head office. New projects including the largest carbon capture project in Europe mean that TCE require engineers with highly sought after, niche, technical skills. We recruit for the full scope of their needs from warehouse operatives all the way through to director level.

    Not only do we support Tata with volume and niche recruitment our partnership demonstrates the possibilities created by our range of added value services…


    Ian Hull, Morson executive manager

    “We’ve been working with Tata Chemicals Europe and their hiring community for many years and our trusted relationship runs through the veins of the company. Every hiring manager knows our dedicated team on a first name basis, and while I represent Morson, I feel very much part of the TCE team.


    The diverse range of services we provide to TCE, especially around technology, candidate screening and candidate attraction, have elevated, streamlined, and optimised the business’s hiring processes. We understand the most intricate details about their business and industry and work proactively to solve their challenges, adapting and scaling our solutions to their business needs. This enables TCE to see the true value in what we do and the benefits of a strategic recruitment partner.”

    The services

    Clients can pick and choose from our wide range of talent, consultancy and technology services depending on their specific needs or challenges from outsourced hiring, vetting, HR outsourcing, to employer brand building and digital health and safety technology.

    As well as a slick managed service which gives TCE a number of business benefits such as recruitment efficiencies and cost savings, Tata Chemicals Europe take a number of Morson services which add significant value to their operations.


    Vencuro | Talent Technology

    Tata Chemicals Europe were one of the original users of our talent management system, Vencuro, providing valuable feedback during the pilot stages of its development. Vencuro gives TCE visibility of their entire recruitment process and allows them to manage the candidate journey effectively as well as reporting on their business-specific KPIs.

    Vicky Watson, Head of HR | Tata Chemicals Europe:

    “The tailored online dashboards have not only improved our performance reporting capability but also our ability to analyse the direct and indirect cost savings our Morson managed service provides. The best bit is it is so simple to use – a few clicks and we have access to all our information requirements!”

    Morson Digital Studio

    At a peak in Tata’s development, they needed to hire more contract and permanent staff for their plant in Cheshire than ever before. To help them do this, we developed a branded careers portal and produced an on-site video series with photography that told their story across a range of channels – and significantly increased applications.

    Vicky Watson, Head of HR | Tata Chemicals Europe

    The Morson recruitment portal, where candidates can access our vacancies all in one place, was a fantastic piece of work by the Morson Digital Studio team. We have linked it to our website and are constantly impressed with the traffic and brand awareness it generates.


    Vetting & Screening

    Our screening service works in sync with our MSP as we perform pre-employment DBS checks, and legal and financial checks. By combining the two services we streamline the onboarding and vetting processes to reduce admin and mitigate risk for TCE. 2

    Originally this service was only requested for permanent members of staff but has more recently been rolled out to contract workers too.


    The future

    We are incredibly proud of our longstanding relationship with TCE and the bespoke people solutions we are able to provide for them.

    Karen Lounds, Business Services Director | Tata Chemicals Europe

    “Our relationship continually improves and in recent times, Morson have supported us to develop our marketing strategy for potential applicants, as well as building a recruitment microsite for us and even helped us develop our employee health and wellbeing offer, as well as support with GDPR. 

    There are many examples where the relationship goes beyond pure recruitment.  We see them as a partner to our business.”

    For our next venture we will be providing TCE with ED&I manager training and a standardised way of capturing diversity and inclusion metrics across its business. We are also investigating the benefits that our Fit For Work contractor engagement app could provide with a custom set up and trial.

    Over the course of our 20+ year relationship, Morson and Tata Chemicals Europe have developed beyond what could be considered a standard customer/provider service. We have built a true partnership, a two-way street where information and best practices are freely shared. Continuous improvement is a focus for both our businesses, and we are able to give and receive feedback honestly allowing us provide the best possible service.

    Whether you’re an existing Morson client or looking to explore what a new relationship could look like, our suite of integrated services is available to businesses of all scales. From global brands like Tata Chemical’s Europe to SMEs and start-ups, Morson Group can support your people strategy and solve your challenges with our customisable service offering.

    If you have any questions, or would like to find out more, James Millward, Morson Head of Integrated Services, would love to hear from you, drop him a message at

    More of our work…

    UK Power Networks: supporting recruitment and EDI strategies

    UK Power Networks: supporting recruitment and EDI strategies

    UK Power Networks: supporting recruitment and EDI strategies

    As part of a three-year, multi-million-pound contract, we will supply UK Power Networks with a strategic managed service provision (MSP). We’re delighted to offer our consultancy services to help UKPN source the right talent and achieve their ambitions.

    Morson will be responsible for developing an extensive and resilient talent pipeline, recruiting for roles at every level and for every division of the business. Our support will achieve cost efficiencies and improve the company’s employer and contractor value propositions.

    UK Power Networks wishes to attract candidates that are reflective of the communities it works in (London, the South East and East of England). We’ll call on our extensive EDI experience to attract more women, people of colour and those from disadvantaged backgrounds to apply for these opportunities. This will allow UKPN to level up its business and make the power and utilities market a more diverse place to work.

    Since establishing the partnership, Morson has already delivered:

    • bespoke training for hiring managers
    • diversity capture surveys
    • candidate research
    • mapping and role benchmarking
    • dual-branded candidate attraction campaigns and more.

    Jazz Chaggar, talent acquisition manager at UK Power Networks, said:

    Morson stood out for its expertise in engineering, power and utilities and their varied services. Through our robust procurement process we were able select a partner that understands our values and will drive initiatives that would create a thriving future.


    Diversity and inclusion isn’t a quick fix, and we want to work with Morson to influence the whole industry. Part of the strategy will be promoting the range of roles available to everyone – people of all backgrounds – to change deep-rooted perspectives and break down long-held barriers about what their careers have to look like. We are keen to see where Morson’s passion for EDI takes us.

    David Lynchehaun, group sales director at Morson Group, said:

    For UK Power Networks to achieve its ambitions, it requires a consultative approach to identify all the things that make it a great place to work – for everyone.


    The business has recognised its need to create a more diverse workforce that will appeal to the communities it works in. That requirement sits in the sweet spot of our expertise; our specialism is tapping into unlocked, and often unidentified, talent pools to source candidates who have a specific set of skills but who might normally be overlooked.

    We believe that diversity of thought promotes innovation by bringing multiple perspectives to discussions and decisions. We are committed to improving the diversity of our company and building inclusive cultures every day and are proud to offer ED&I consultancy services alongside our MSP solution.
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    • Bespoke training for hiring managers
    • Diversity capture surveys
    • Candidate research
    • Mapping and role benchmarking
    • Dual-branded candidate attraction campaigns

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      J Murphy and Sons: the power of having full visibility of the contractor workforce

      J Murphy and Sons: the power of having full visibility of the contractor workforce

      J Murphy and Sons: the power of having full visibility of the contractor workforce

      “Our relationship with Morson is a true partnership; we work in tandem together to overcome the recruitment challenges our business faces.”

      “Morson show such willingness to understand our briefs, down to the finest detail, and advise us correctly on how to approach our varying recruitment needs. Since working together, we’ve welcomed higher quality candidates into our ranks, have a streamlined process and have made major time and cost savings.” – Ian Holcroft, procurement director for Murphy

      Continually in need of the industry’s most skilled labour to support its own teams and meet sophisticated specifications for projects across rail, energy, natural resources and other sectors, J Murphy and Sons required greater control over its contractor workforce to achieve costs savings and improved governance. Having never had a dedicated contingent recruitment partner in place and regularly spending millions of pounds a year on hiring, it went out to tender to source an expert that could create a more efficient strategy.

      Process overhaul

      Overseen by its procurement team and supported by the rest of the business, a selection of recruitment providers were invited to tender for a two-year contract with Murphy. Specifically, Murphy was looking to interface with a technical specialist who truly understood the objectives and particular skillsets required for each of its available roles.

      With extensive experience in engineering, construction, rail, highways, and other technical industries, Morson Talent acts at a strategic level to understand a business’ overarching objectives so that it can deliver suitable skillsets from a talent perspective. Doing so avoids rogue spend, and by providing a dedicated point of contact, clients achieve increased control in the hiring process and improved visibility from their recruitment partner. Demonstrating this, and having access to the industry’s best candidates, Morson was appointed to the role as a managed service provider (MSP).


      Tangible success

      Over the last two years, the partnership has prospered to the extent Morson’s recruitment provision has contributed to Murphy’s delivery, growth and success in the market.

      Charlotte Mainwaring, client services manager for Morson Talent, who works as lead for the partnership with Murphy, said:

      “The insights we provide to Murphy, especially around candidate attraction, go into shaping how they win work. We understand the most intricate details about their field and work proactively to mitigate the industry’s skills shortage by building a talent pipeline that aligns with Murphy’s bid pipeline, to ensure we’re agile and able to react quickly. This enables Murphy to see the true value in what we do – even when it’s experiencing peaks in demand, there is suitable, specialist talent available.


      “We’ve worked hard to build close relations with Murphy’s hiring managers and today, our relationship runs through the veins of the company. Every hiring manager knows our dedicated team on a first name basis, and while I represent Morson, I feel very much part of Murphy’s team. I’m the connection between the client and Morson’s consultants who know the account inside out, and we all work together to achieve success.”

      Ian Holcroft, procurement director for Murphy, said:

      “Our relationship with Morson is a true partnership; we work in tandem together to overcome the recruitment challenges our business faces.


      “Morson demonstrated from the start of the implementation phase how hands-on they are and since then, they have provided high quality people to suit our contingent needs. We’re connected with people at every level of Morson’s organisation – from company directors through to managers and the admin teams, meaning that no matter our question, it gets answered.


      “Morson show such willingness to understand our briefs, down to the finest detail, and advise us correctly on how to approach our varying recruitment needs. Since working together, we’ve welcomed higher quality candidates into our ranks, have a streamlined process and have made major time and cost savings.”


      Murphy’s future needs

      Originally appointing Morson on a two-year contract, Murphy has recently extended its partnership to further leverage the success of the strategic relationship, generate continued cost savings and seek ongoing support concerning future regulatory hurdles.

      Continuing its work with Morson will enable Murphy to retain the critical levels of operational knowledge Morson has developed over the last two years and will minimise disruption to its now improved recruitment processes. Morson will continue to work as a collaborative partner, managing risk and providing full visibility throughout the contingency supply while continuing to build on this flourishing relationship.


      ​If you would like to find out more about our MSP solution and how we can help your organisation cost save, continuously improve, and transform through talent, get in touch with Morson MSP director, David Lynchehaun at
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      • Increased control in the hiring process
      • Extensive experience in engineering, construction, rail, highways
      • Agile talent pipelines which align with Murphy’s bid pipeline
      • Close, strategic relationship with hiring managers
      • Continued cost savings

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      Atlas Elektronik UK: Transforming recruitment, inspiring strategic decisions

      Atlas Elektronik UK: Transforming recruitment, inspiring strategic decisions

      Atlas Elektronik UK: Transforming recruitment, inspiring strategic decisions

      “From the moment Morson won the tender, you could tell their implementation plan was unlike anything else. The team was brilliant in terms of engaging our entire business with its strategy, while its processes were slick, agile and professional.” – Lisa Bowyer, Head of HR at AEUK

      Until they partnered with Morson, Atlas Elektronik UK (AEUK) worked with up to 40 different local recruitment agencies. The defence and maritime high-technology enterprise was in regular need of niche skillsets to add to its ever-expanding workforce. Recruitment was key to its ongoing success, but the complex system in place needed improving.

      Our appointment as a single supplier has supported AEUK with recruitment cost savings, supplied candidates with the expertise and the cultural compatibility to thrive, and provided an agile system that could quickly and effectively adapt and continue in the face of a pandemic. The partnership has transformed the recruitment process, but also inspired countless strategic decisions to further grow the business.


      A new approach

      As the company was embarking on an ambitious growth strategy, AEUK was in need of support from a single supplier in order to cut costs and increase efficiency. The tender process began to find a preferred supplier who could find suitable candidates with excellent culture fit.

      Morson’s appointment would provide a more streamlined service and a strong, consistent relationship with AEUK, ensuring that future recruits were aligned to the business’ objectives, values and long-term ambitions.

      With extensive knowledge of the maritime and defence industries forged over many years of working with clients in the field, we have established an enviable candidate network for the sector, enabling us to tap into the best talent available.

      Able to resource extremely niche and otherwise difficult to fill roles around the UK, our knowledge of the market, its developments and trends also ensured we could help futureproof AEUK. Using various technology platforms, we set about implementing and expediting the recruitment processes with speed and agility.

      Our innovative candidate attraction process, implemented using the Morson Digital Studio, utilises bespoke microsites, employer value proposition and branding development. This sees AEUK positioned as an employer of choice in its sector, making it first choice for suitable talent.


      Working in partnership

      From the very onset of the partnership, AEUK was supplied a dedicated Account Manager who works on site, in Dorset, acting as an in-house hiring manager but with the requisite duties of an external supplier.

      Systems have been implemented that automate several elements of the process; AEUK simply approves a role requirement before handing the entire process to us. AEUK’s Account Manager briefs relevant, specialist teams about the role and niche skillsets required, after which we feedback with suitable candidates.

      We have developed a true picture of the business, meaning the entire hiring process has become more efficient and tailored to AEUK’s needs. For example, a bespoke ATS system has been put in place to manage the entire recruitment journey from CV submission through to interview, negotiation and onboarding. Acting as a one-stop-shop for AEUK’s entire recruitment process and talent strategy.

      Additionally, we are in contact with, and act as lead contact for, several second-tier suppliers. We issue briefs directly to them for particular roles that fall outside of our candidate database. While previously these companies couldn’t offer AEUK the sizeable, scalable recruitment service it required, their offerings have still proven valuable and can now be much more easily integrated into the recruitment process with us acting as the main contact.

      Fully embedded in the business, the AEUK Account Manager goes well beyond their formal scope, taking on several duties that typically only come with being a full-time employee. For example, setting up interview rooms, ensuring relevant paperwork is made available to HR and greeting people on arrival for interview.

      Throughout the pandemic, with AEUK continuing to operate as manufacturers of key defence outputs and investment to ensure facilities were COVID-19 secure, it was business as usual. We implemented remote interview technologies and online hiring practices, which achieved the same levels of efficiency as the previous, face to face processes.


      Delivering results

      Lisa Bowyer, Head of HR at AEUK said:

      “From the moment Morson won the tender, you could tell their implementation plan was unlike anything else.”


      “The team was brilliant in terms of engaging our entire business with its strategy, while its processes were slick, agile and professional. Within a matter of weeks, they had got to know our business, how we worked and knew exactly what we needed from our recruitment in the short-term and long-term to achieve our goals.

      Moving forwards, they will become a key strategic partner of ours, involved in the decision making about our next steps. That’s where we’re going, together.”

      The strategic partnership has significantly reduced time to hire and by working with a single supplier, AEUK has slashed the administrative burden of recruitment. More than that, however, we support AEUK to provide the best candidate experience possible, arming them with a proposition that has seen them build up a team that’s the best in the industry.


      ​If you would like to find out more about our MSP solution and how we can help your organisation cost save, continuously improve, and transform through talent, get in touch with Morson MSP director, David Lynchehaun at


      • Significantly reduced time to hire
      • Slashed the administrative burden of recruitment
      • Bespoke ATS system

      • Innovative candidate attraction process, providing the best candidate experience to build team that’s the best in the industry
      • Lead contact for several second-tier suppliers

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